If you’re looking for a non-surgical option for fuller, more curvy contours, MD Brothers is here to help. We are pleased to offer non-surgical butt lifts tailored to your unique needs. The minimally invasive beauty solution will leave you looking and feeling better than ever! We invite you to contact us to get started today!

What Is a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

Unlike traditional surgical butt lifts that involve implants or fat grafting, today’s non-surgical treatments are performed using dermal fillers known as biostimulators that boost your own body’s collagen production. We are pleased to use Sculptra and Radiesse, two FDA-approved dermal filler options to restore age-related volume loss and trigger new collagen production, naturally tightening and lifting your skin from within. 

  • Sculptra: Sculptra Aesthetic contains a material called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) that’s absorbed by the body over time. When injected, Sculptra triggers an inflammatory response that activates fibroblasts, stimulating collagen production. Sculptra lifts, tightens, sculpts, and contours, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical butt lifts. 
  • Radiesse: Radiesse is an injectable filler that contains tiny gel microspheres called calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) that provide structure and support for the skin. Similar to Sculptra, Radiesse activates fibroblasts to stimulate collagen production. However, the calcium particles act as a scaffold, promoting new tissue growth rather than triggering inflammation. Radiesse is ideal for butt augmentation, delivering fuller, more lifted contours. 

Who Is a Candidate for a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

A non-surgical butt lift may be ideal for individuals with age-related volume loss or those wanting to fill and lift naturally flat buttocks. It is also a perfect solution for patients wishing to enhance their contours without surgery or its associated downtime or discomfort. 

Non-surgical butt lifts are best suited for those wanting a subtle butt lift without a dramatic increase in plumpness. Candidates are also individuals without sufficient fat to be harvested through liposuction for a traditional surgical butt lift. 

What Is the Procedure for Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

The non-surgical butt lift procedure is a quick and convenient option for those looking to enhance their buttocks without the downtime associated with surgery. A typical session involves a series of injections into specific areas of the buttocks, carefully administered by our skilled and experienced practitioners, Drs. Shazel and Nael Gharbi.

Once injected, Sculptra or Radiesse get to work, boosting your curves in all the right ways. Our non-surgical butt lifts add volume, fill in dimples, smooth away hollows and creases, correct hip dips, and enhance your contours. Our biostimulators naturally boost volume while promoting collagen production, delivering benefits that unfold over time with lasting results. 

How Many Treatments Will You Require? 

The number of treatments may vary depending on your unique needs and desired results. In general, most patients require a series of treatments scheduled 3-6 weeks apart to enhance their contours. Although you may require touch-up treatments, most patients can expect to enjoy their dramatic results for up to two years. 

Non-Surgical Butt Lift Near Me in Highland Park, IL

Visit MD Brothers to determine whether a non-surgical butt lift procedure is ideal for you. Our experienced surgeons look forward to delivering your desired contours. We invite you to call (312) 416-6172 to book an appointment or schedule one online today!