Are you looking for ways to rejuvenate saggy, baggy, or wrinkled eyelids? If so, our team at MD Brothers is here to help. We are pleased to offer eyelid rejuvenation to enhance your beautiful eyes. Our skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons use the latest surgical techniques to deliver dramatic, lasting results. We invite you to explore your options to restore your rested, youthful appearance. 

What Is Eye Rejuvenation?

As the years go by, the eyelids can begin to stretch, and the muscles that support them can weaken. That can result in excess fat above and below the eyelids, leading to droopy eyelids, sagging eyebrows, and under-eye bags. Besides an aging appearance, severe eyelid sagging can interfere with your peripheral or side vision. 

Upper eyelid rejuvenation, also known as an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that helps enhance the appearance of your eyelids. It involves the removal of the drooping skin and excess fat from the upper eyelids. The procedure helps address puffiness, excess skin, fat deposits, and sagging around the eyes. Lower eyelid rejuvenation, on the other hand, helps tighten the loose skin beneath the skin, giving you a more youthful, refreshed appearance. 

If you have a less severe amount of excess skin in the upper eyelids, we may recommend a nonsurgical eyelid lift. The minimally invasive procedure helps tighten and lift sagging skin, brightening your eyes and restoring your youthful appearance. 

What Are the Benefits of Eyelid Rejuvenation?

Eyelid rejuvenation offers numerous benefits. The primary goal of the transformative procedure is to enhance the beauty of your eyes, restoring their youthful appearance. By reducing sagging skin and puffiness, you can achieve a brighter and more alert look. If sagging eyelids interfere with your vision, eyelid rejuvenation can address your concerns. 

While individual experiences may vary, most people enjoy long-lasting results. You’ll love your refreshed, rested, and youthful appearance. 

What Is the Eyelid Rejuvenation Procedure?

Your transformation begins with a consultation with our skilled cosmetic surgeons. We will discuss your concerns and expectations and plan your treatment based on your unique needs. 

Eyelid rejuvenation is a simple outpatient procedure. Our skilled surgeons will make tiny incisions along the skin lines of the eyelids. They will remove any excess fat, trim sagging skin and muscle, and sculpt your eyelids to achieve more youthful contours. The last step is closing the incisions with gentle precision, leaving minimal scarring that fades over time.

What Happens After the Procedure? 

Following the procedure, your eyelids may feel sore and tight. Initial puffiness and bruising can take a week or two to resolve. Healing will take place over the following weeks, with the full effects of treatment apparent after a few months. 

Eyelid Rejuvenation Near Me in Lake Forest, IL

Eyelid rejuvenation offers a transformative solution for those seeking a noticeable improvement in the appearance of their eyelids. Consult with Drs. Shazel and Nael Gharbi of MD Brothers to learn more about eyelid rejuvenation and get on track to a more refreshed, youthful appearance. We invite you to call (312) 416-6172 to schedule an appointment or book one online today!